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Better Days Ahead: Jazmine Chua
Wednesday, 12 February 2014 | 00:12 | 0 comments

How would you feel if day by day, you hear less and less of the world around you?

What you just imagined was Jazmine Chua's experience growing up.

Jazmine first discovered she was deaf when she was nine years old.

At 32 years old, she's doing what any hearing person can do and working as a perfumery lab assistant doing what she loves -- creating new perfumes.

But years ago, she would not have believed that she would grow up to be who she is.

Despite her deafness, Jazmine studied in a mainstream school, where not everyone would understand why she had a hearing aid on, not even herself.

"I didn't understand why I had to wear hearing aid, when people my age don't need to."

She had to try her best to listen to the teachers, and wasn't exempted from taking oral exams or listening comprehensions. This caused her grades to be pulled down.

Furthermore, Jazmine had no support from her family. "My parents were unable to tolerate having adeaf child, and mostly I got blamed for being deaf," she says.

However, through hard work and the help of her teachers and kinder classmates, Jazmine managed to pass most of her exams. She overcame her internal struggle with not understanding why she was different from the world and also learnt to work better with the people around her.

Now that Jazmine is older and more exposed to people around the world, she has found others who are like her; being part of the deaf community allows deaf individuals to support one another.

Jazmine's story inspires us to hang in there and push on forward to better days ahead.

What are some encouraging words you would like to say to those going through a hard time? Comment in the tagboard (sidebar) and share with us!

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